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  • #1337264

    Dear Support-Team,

    I have searched the forums and tried a few things already. Also made some experiments with ?iframe=true. None of them worked. So the question to you professionals: Is it possible to use a lightbox in the blog post element?

    I have very short posts that are loaded if a link is klicked. It would be much more comfortable to just open them in a lightbox and not always load a new page. However, by default, the post image and title link always link to a page. Can I change this somehow?

    Glad to get some information about this. Thanks a lot!

    Best regards,


    Hey spooniverse,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    This option is not available out of the box, but it is possible. Unfortunately, creating this kind of functionality is beyond the scope of support. You may need look for external help such as hiring a freelance developer.


    Best regards,


    show me a test page where you like to open those links in a lightbox.
    is it a page like this:
    And you want to open not the posts on a new page but as iframe in a lightbox?


    Hey Guenni007,

    it is not about the normal blog. I would like to use a ALB blog post element (as in your first link) and display posts of a certain category on a page with the option “blog grid”. If the image or title of the shown entries is clicked the posts should be loaded as iframe in a lightbox, correct. Any ideas?

    Thank you for your interest! And thanks Ismael for pointing out that it can be made somehow.

    All the best,


    you can see here on top of that page a masonry with portfolio links.
    If you click to open it – it will open that portfolio in a lightbox ( but the complete page )
    Is it the way you like to have it?


    This is the way I would like to have it, yes! But with normal posts (not portfolio entries). And for some reason I would like to use the blog post element (not a masonry). Or can’t it be made with the blog post element?

    Thank you for your effort already!


    i gave to the alb element itself a custom-class ( in my case ) : open-in-lightbox

    then i put this to child-theme functions.php:

    function posts_iframe_popup() { 
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
    $(window).on('load', function(){
      $('.open-in-lightbox a.av-masonry-entry').magnificPopup({
        mainClass: 'spezial-masonries',
      $('.open-in-lightbox a.slide-image, .open-in-lightbox .slide-entry-title > a').magnificPopup({
        mainClass: 'spezial-blogposts',
    <?php }
    add_action('wp_footer', 'posts_iframe_popup');

    the mainClass is only to have a way to select f.e. the iframe-scaler specifically for that usage – you will have that class on mfp-wrap container.
    to have the links from both ( the image and the slide title – we have in that rule two selectors).

    PS : on that blog-posts the first link “iframe-lightbox” leads to an iframe which can open a new iframe on top :lol:


    Perfect! Thanks a lot, Guenni007!

    Any idea on how to hide the head and footer on those posts? In my case it is a custom post type. Should be possible with a modification to the single.php file of the CPT – what do you think?

    Even better would be a script to hide head and footer only if the entry is shown inside an iframe? Do you think that is possible?

    Best regards,



    function posts_iframe_popup() { 
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
    	if (top === self) { 
    		// no frame
    	} else { //frame 
    		$('#header, #footer, #socket').hide();
    		$('#main').attr('style', 'padding-top: 0px !important');  
    	$(window).on('load', function(){
    	  $('.open-in-lightbox a.av-masonry-entry').magnificPopup({
    	    mainClass: 'spezial-masonries',
    	  $('.open-in-lightbox a.slide-image, .open-in-lightbox .slide-entry-title > a').magnificPopup({
    	    mainClass: 'spezial-blogposts',
    <?php }
    add_action('wp_footer', 'posts_iframe_popup');

    see testpage:


    if you like to have no sidebar on the iframe replace that part above that checks if frame or not with:

    	if (top === self) { 
    		// no frame
    	} else { //frame 
    		$('#header, #footer, #socket, .sidebar').hide();
    		$('#main').attr('style', 'padding-top: 0px !important'); 
    		$('.container .av-content-small').css('width', '100%');
    		$('.content').css('border-right', 'none');

    and if you like to have the link of the concerning categorie aswell open in a lightbox – extend the selectors to:

    $('.open-in-lightbox a.slide-image, .open-in-lightbox .blog-categories > a,  .open-in-lightbox .slide-entry-title > a').magnificPopup({

    Wow! That is beyond my expectations. Thank you!

    Should be everything I need. Thread may be closed.


    Not for that –
    maybe you change from.hide() to .remove()
    that is somehow a matter of taste


    Why? What is your preference?


    the first only hides it (sets it to display: none), but it remains in the DOM – the second removes these containers. Nevertheless, the adjustment of the css (especially the padding-top) must still be done.



    Thanks for your help @Guenni007 :)

    Best regards,


    Dear @guenni007, last question: Do you think it is possible to load the script only for a certain viewport? Let’s say on mobile I would use a normal link (open the entry) and from tablet-size on I would load the script and use the added lightbox. Any ideas?


    should it be prevented for real mobile devices or for small screen sizes?
    If it is for small screen sizes is only to avoid ? it must respond to resize?



    function posts_iframe_popup() { 
    <script type="text/javascript">
    (function($) {
    	if (top === self) { 
    		// no frame
    	} else { //frame 
    		$('#header, #footer, #socket').remove();
    		$('#main').attr('style', 'padding-top: 0px !important');  
    	$(window).on('load', function(){
    	  $('.open-in-lightbox a.av-masonry-entry').magnificPopup({
    	    disableOn: 768,
    	    mainClass: 'spezial-masonries',
    	  $('.open-in-lightbox a.slide-image, .open-in-lightbox .slide-entry-title > a').magnificPopup({
    	    disableOn: 768,
    	    mainClass: 'spezial-blogposts',
    <?php }
    add_action('wp_footer', 'posts_iframe_popup');

    play with the 768 value to get what you like to have f.e.:
    if you take 769
    you have that case where an ipad mini (1024×768) will open on portrait the new page without lightbox – if you tilt it to landscape – it will open the lightbox.
    However, it will not undergo any change after the link is opened.


    Thank you! Works as aspected. Learnt a lot from your code.



    Great, I’m glad that @guenni007 could help you out :-)

    Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    You may close this.
    And thanks again to Guenni007


    Glad Guenni007 was able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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