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  • #1318255

    Hello, i’m trying to upgrade Enfold theme to 4.8 on my wordpress back end, but when i put my license token, it reply that my token isnt valid.

    I think, problem is that i buildt this web site on a different url ( a private one) before release the website on the current one: Croci-group.com

    How i can fix this problem?


    Up, is there or not support in here?



    Thanks for contacting us!

    Please refer to this post – https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/theme-registration/#how-to-generate-a-envato-personal-token and insert your Personal Token into Enfold theme options. It seems like you have inserted your purchase code that is why it did not work. Inserting Personal Token should work :)

    Best regards,

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