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  • #303967

    Well my licence question :
    Im using Regular Licence :
    – Use in a single end product : OK
    – Use in a free end product : OK
    – Use in an end product that’s sold : NO

    So I use my personnal licence A (LA) under REGULAR LICENCE on my personnal site A1(SA1) as production and use for my boss’s compagny site B(SB) as production too (i make no business and my site are not finished)
    When my SB will Finish my compagny will buy back theyre own licence B, (LB).
    >> Should i register this new licence as end product site for SB with my LB ? Or can i just keep the licence in archive ?
    because the SB was build with my own and personnal licence LA
    I dont sell any site or work im employer and working on this site making first build with my own tools

    >> So i whould know if we will be ok at this time ?

    Or if you have tracker who have Follow my LA on SA1 and SB
    Because i need to get back fully my licence

    Is not simple to understand whats the difference between a SIngle End product and free end product ?
    >> Can we use my LA on 3/4 free site ? as blog ? or site without business

    Thank you for answered

    Ps : Great Stuff !

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by zmata.


    We aren’t very familiar with licensing here unfortunately since Envato is the sole reseller of the theme and provides its license.

    My understanding however is that you purchase the number licenses for the sites you are using the theme on. There isn’t a technical check per domain otherwise.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for answered

    Ok si i can build my personnal Site and my Compagny for my boss with my own licence
    And ask to my compagny to buy news licence and keep in archive to be in good term and law

    One other question about difference between free licence and end product ? any one could explain me the difference ?

    Last question again :
    – How many site cool i build with my regular licence if i never made business with it ?
    – How many site cool i build with my regular licence for compagny if i never sold my work and if they never sold my theme ?



    It would be better to contact Envato supporting regarding this topic, you can create a ticket here:


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