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  • #712886

    I would like to setup the same German site, I licened enfold for, in English. I want to create an physical independet Website, not a multisite in one account.
    Do I need to purchase the licence again or may I clone the site to another webspace and than translate it?
    If I need to get a new licence, may I clone the site anyway and set theother new licence key into the cloned website? It would be easier than to start from scratch.


    Hey marscui,

    If you are going to host it at the same domain or on a subdomain you don’t need to purchase an additional license :-)

    Best regards,


    Ok, thank you.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Rikard.


    In that case, yes you do need a different license, which can take care of updates etc, based on Envato API.
    Thanks a lot for your understanding



    ok, no problem, I’ll will order a second licence.



    Ok, thanks for understanding :-)

    Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,


    I Have purchased a new second licence. But it looks like I have the same and only one API-Key from Themeforest to put into the field “Your theme forest API key”. How do I tell the theme, it is another second licence? Where to put the new purchase code?



    Can you please clear your transients, because it seems that the cache / license field is been cached
    so the system can not validate the new one.
    You can use the following plugin:

    Let us know if we can do anything else for you

    Best regards,


    I generated another API Key in Theme forest and have put this into the En Fold field “Your Theme forest API Key”. Is that ok and enough?
    Nothing found about cache.



    Yes, that should be enough. Please let us know how you get on with it.

    Best regards,

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