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  • #874762

    Hi! I’m thinking about using Enfold on a WP Multisite Network with separate doamins. How about licensing. For each domain?

    Best Regards!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by WebbR.

    Hey WebbR,

    Yes, one licence is only valid for one domain, so if you are planning to have several different domains then you need a separate licence for each of them. You can have several sites on the same domain though.

    Best regards,


    Hi & thx for the reply!
    Is there a some kind of a mass licence? For the project with 6 Domains it would be about 350 Euro.
    In the end it is still just one project.
    Best regards!



    Unfortunately, you need to buy one license for each domain – check more info here: https://themeforest.net/licenses/standard

    Best regards,
    John Torvik

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