Hi Guys, I am almost here one small problem remaining. Sorry I am still learning CSS but have ad grea success with our heme.
The LHS navigation looks right but on Ipad Portrait the menus are not wrapping correctly and getting cut off on the RHS. It is not extending the he vertical line between the nav container and the main content.
The nav I am using is:
/* LHS Navigation */
.widget_nav_menu a {text-align: left !important; color: blue !important; line-height: 1.2em !important}
.widget_nav_menu a:hover {color: red !important}
.widget_nav_menu ul ul li:before {content: “”;}
.widget_nav_menu ul {min-width: 107% !important;}
.widget_nav_menu ul li {min-width: 108% !important;}
.widget_nav_menu ul li li {padding-left: 7px !important; }
.widget_nav_menu ul li li li {padding-left: 17px !important; }
Sample page in private content.
Thanks Denis