Hello Kriesi,
Very happy with Enfold and I would like to add a new feature and am wondering if it is possible with Enfold.
We offer tours in Amsterdam and use posts to describe a tour and a possibility to request an offer. We offer these tours now by category but would like to change that to a different way.
I would like to add properties to a tour like (city, price range, for young, for elder, active, by bike).
On the front a website visitor should be able to choose his properties, example given: I’m looking for a tour in Amsterdam, for elder, by bike. The results should show only all the tours that fit this profile.
I’m guessing I should add tags to the tours with the properties but can I create the page with enfold searching the tours? And showing the results?
Hey Luc,
You can try using a plugin such as this one – https://www.designsandcode.com/wordpress-plugins/search-filter-pro/ however please contact plugin author beforehand and ask them if they had any experience with Enfold to be on the safe side.
Best regards,