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  • #944142

    I need a < sign in the text of an icon list.
    the first time i save it, it looks ok on the website.
    if i edit it again, for example i add some words and save it again, then the layout is broken. i guess because it is interpreted as HTML code.
    it does not help to use “<” or “#60” or anything like that instead.
    i even tried to edit in TXT mode instead of preview mode, that does not help.
    i already checked the database. the db has collation = utf8_general_ci as recommended.

    so the first time it is ok, the second time i reopen the list, the result changes.
    i have the impression, that as soon as the “<” sign is internally converted into “<” it goes wrong.

    you understand what i mean ??


    Hey karowebdesign,

    Special characters like that tend to break the layout builder unfortunately, please try this instead:

    & l t ;

    Remove the spaces between the characters before you try it out.

    Best regards,


    No, it does not help. That is what i tried to explain with “it does not help to use “<” or “#60” or anything like that instead.
    Here in this post “& l t ;” without blanks is displayed perfectly.
    i cannot believe, there is not solution !? It is really essentially because the website has a very technical topic with several < signs that show how fast the technology is.
    ok, is there a workaround ? for expample if i dont touch this text with the layoutbuilder and edit it directly in the database or somewhere else ? (at the very end of all other editing) That is horror anyway, but it could work, couldn’t it ?

    or any better ideas ? turn off the layoutbuilder for this single page ?

    sunny hopeful greetings from Munich, Karoline


    hm – i recognized that behavior too on reediting some textblocks –
    or very often in headings from some alb elements f.e. inserting a softhypen – after reediting that alb again it is lost.

    maybe the avia_ampersand function could redefine some special characters
    f.e. i do allways want to have non-breaking dashes :

    function non_breaking_hyphens($content)
        $content = str_replace("-","&#8209 ;",$content); 
        return $content;

    maybe this could help

    function translate_signs($content)
        $content = str_replace("<","<span class='special_amp'>&#60 ;</span>",$content);    
        $content = str_replace(">","<span class='special_amp'>&#62 ;</span>",$content); 
        $content = str_replace("&#60 ;","<span class='special_amp'>&#60 ;</span>",$content);    
        $content = str_replace("&#62 ;","<span class='special_amp'>&#62 ;</span>",$content); 
        return $content;

    Lol : Boardsoft changes it immediately :

    so remove the space to the semicolon

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Guenni007.

    ok – i ignored your reference – on iconlist headings it is a great desaster !

    no solution for that ? !


    So i think the question is how to only replace those strings in frontend and not in backend.
    if in shortcodes the &lt ; and &gt ; are seen the page shows correct – but on editing the iconlist again these strings are translated and the troubles start.


    Hi Guenni007,
    thank you for your advice and help.
    I programm too seldom, so i would not know, where to put your suggested “avia_ampersand function”.
    As the layoutbuilder seems to be the bad guy, the troublemaker, the partycrasher, i found myself a workaround. I edit the iconlist in the layoutbuilder and before i save the page i switch to “standard editor”. then save – and everything is fine. As far as i can see.

    Do you agree that this workaround is a solution ? (the only thing is, that i have to explain it to my customers and i have to keep it in mind whenever i want to make changes to the text. but i could live with that)


    i tested it ( ampersand method ) – but it does not work as expected.

    Maybe the other Günter can have a look at that. We need a coder here

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Guenni007. Reason: Günter needed


    We have asked Gunter & Tina to take a look :)

    Best regards,


    on using the entities it works the first time – but if you open the iconlist again all less than signs are gone and the iconlist in frontend does not work anymore. So no chance for a second edit or to add list points here.


    Hi Vinay,

    thank you very much for the effort. But it doesn’t make things better. (asssuming i installed the plugin correctly, i extracted the zip and copied the last folder “avia-special-characters” with the php-file inside into the plugins folder and activated it. there was a second folder with the same name around it, i left that folder away)

    So the first time it always works fine. but as soon as i reopen the page and edit something whereever on this page and save it, the layout crashes.

    i still prefer my workaround. (although it is hard to remember every time) i open the page, switch to advanced layout editor, make my changes, but before i refresh the whole page i switch to “standard editor”. that works.

    i dont know whether it matters, but i have also acivated the shortcode parser. Because i wanted to copy some code from one page to another. but in the meantime i have found out, that i can save areas of one page to reuse it in another. so i dont need the shortcode parser, i can turn it off again.

    kind regards, karoline


    so we now had to use these phrases for the signs in input-fields like headings or caption-titles

    '###lt###'		=> '<',
    '###gt###'		=> '>',
    '###amp###'		=> '&',
    '###91###'		=> '[',
    '###93###'		=> ']',
    '###quot###'	         => '"',
    '###34###'		=> "'"

    by the way i shortend the code –
    It is also very unlikely to hit such a string. In principle, you replace the & and the semicolon with the rhombus #

    '#lt#'		=> '<',
    '#gt#'		=> '>',
    '#amp#'		=> '&',
    '#91#'		=> '[',
    '#93#'		=> ']',
    '#quot#'	=> '"',
    '#34#'		=> "'"

    PS : thanks – i know that Guenter could help in this case !
    See here the icon-list in action :


    Hi Guenni007,

    aaah, now i understand. And yes, it works fine.
    i’ll keep the ###lt### version, so it is obvious, that something very special happens :-)

    thank you, that was the answer to the problem.




    As an alternate solution, you can also try using the font icons as a pseudo-element.

    I’m happy this is sorted for you now :)

    Please feel free to get in touch with us if you need any further help.

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay,

    your comment irritates me more than it helps me. it took me a whole week to find a workaround for a simple < less-than-sign ! That does not only crush the layout but also the timeline of my project, you can imagine. :-/
    Please don’t send me any more comment on this subject. i have other open subjects to solve. sorry, thanx.



    We are very sorry about that. Please use your preferred solution above. We’ll close this thread now.

    Best regards,

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