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  • #377203

    Hi there,

    Right now, the sub-links “fly out” to the right like this:

    Here is a very crude representation for what I’d like to do instead:

    I am hoping the sub-links can be made permanently available in the sidebar. It doesn’t need to be a “fly-out” menu – just slightly indented. Kind of like this:


    • Sub-link
    • Sub-link
    • Sub-link

    Is this possible?

    Lastly, how can these lines be removed?

    Your help is appreciated in advance! Thank you!

    – Joe

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by daniejm.

    Hi Joe!

    To do this you’ll need to have your header set to scroll and not sticky. Otherwise your menu will not be viewable on smaller screens.

    Add this to your custom CSS.

    .sub-menu {
      left: auto !important;
      opacity: 1 !important;
      position: relative !important;
      top: auto !important;
      visibility: visible !important;
    .main_menu a { border: 0px !important; }

    Best regards,


    Hi, Elliott,

    This has got us moving in the right direction. :) Three more items, please, which are highlighted in the picture below:

    1. What is the CSS to resize the logo in the sidebar?

    2. How do I reduce the gap from the bottom of the logo to the top of the first link (highlighted in blue)?

    3. The link positioning is right, but I’d like the background to be transparent and the link color to be the same as the headings. How is this possible?

    Thanks in advance!

    – Joe


    Hi, Elliott. There are some additional problems with the code you’ve offered.

    The links are not linking / lining up properly. For example, clicking on “Verified leads” links over to “Contact VIP.” Everything is set properly in the menus, so I’m thinking the menu “overlay” is affecting the button position.

    Secondly, the code has wreaked havoc on the Register button. This was up through Appearance > Menus > Colored button Style.

    Please advise. :)



    I checked your source code and the “Verified Leads” is linking to “dev2/contact-v-i-p” so that doesn’t appear to be a CSS issue. Perhaps you set the wrong link in the menu?

    For the colored button try adding this CSS.

    .av-menu-button .avia-menu-text {
        display: inline-block !important;
        margin-top: 20px !important;


    This reply has been marked as private.


    Please add following code to Quick CSS

    .html_header_sidebar .logo { padding-bottom: 5px; }




    So close to being perfect! Modifying the padding underneath the logo worked beautifully, but there is another padding issue on the sidebar.

    How do I increase the padding between the bottom of the first menu (“Elite Calling)” and the heading of the second menu (“Support”)?

    Also, how do I change the opacity of these menus? I’m wanting the white background to be eliminated.

    Thank you, as always, for your help!



    Please add following code to Quick CSS as well

    .header_color .main_menu .menu ul li a, .header_color .av-subnav-menu ul a {
    background: transparent!important;
    li#menu-item-3455 {
    margin-bottom: 20px;



    Hi Yigit,

    The sidebar is looking well but I’m afraid it’s still not functioning properly. There is an odd linking issue that I will do my best to explain in text.

    STEP 1: Mouse hovered over Verified Leads, which is correctly linking to

    STEP 2: Drop mouse down to hover over Contact VIP, which is correctly linking to

    STEP 3: Drop mouse down to hover over REGISTER button, which is correctly linking to So far so good.

    This is where the problem starts.

    STEP 4: Mouse is brought up and hovered over “Frequently Asked Questions.” It’s like the mouse hover sticks to the Register button as it continually links to the Register page instead of converting back to the Frequently Asked Questions URL.

    STEP 5: Mouse is brought back up to Services links, which continue to link over to Contact VIP. Again, its like the mouse hover “sticks” to the bottom of the second menu (“Support”).

    Can this be fixed? I’ve verified that everything is linked properly in Menus, so there appears to be some other issue here. This has only been tested in Chrome so far so I’m wondering if it’s a browser issue.

    Thanks as always,




    Did you add any modifications on the theme? Looks like it’s getting the incorrect URL. Have you tried recreating the menu from scratch?



    Hi Ismael,

    Went ahead and recreated the menu through Appearance -> Menus and am still having the same problem. I appreciate the assistance, but I think I may scrap the menu “as is” and start from scratch. Something is wonky there and I can’t figure it out. Thank you for your time and effort in trying to resolve the issue.

    Thank you,


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