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  • #465506

    Hi I have a couple of things I need help with.

    1. Leave a comment seems to have vanished from Blog posts along with Social media etc
    2. Contact Form on all pages except the contact page – Buttom turns white on hover and cannot see the word SEND.
    3. Main menu in logo area – Cannot work out how to change the colour on hover.


    Hey Mysterygene1975!

    1. Did you use the ALB to create the posts in question? If so, the behaviour is expected. Please use the default editor if you want to keep the “normal” look.

    2. Please try the following in Quick CSS:

    #top .av-custom-form-color .button:hover {
      color: black !important;

    3. Not sure I understand what you are trying to do there but you can set most colour under Enfold–>General Styling.

    Best regards,


    For number 3. I have tried to adjust the colours in general styling, not working. I want the colour of the menu item to change colour on hover, so about us – our folio – blog – contact us – to change colour when the mouse curser goes over it.

    2. Thank you – Fixed now.

    1. how do I set up a normal blog post so people can leave comments?


    Sorted 1 and 2, just need help with 3



    You can set the colour of the menu items for both normal and hover state in Enfold–>Advanced Styling. I couldn’t see any items there yet so I don’t think you’ve tried that out?


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Rikard.
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