Hello Enfold Team! Please have a look at private Content – Thank you for you help! Best Regards
Hey topnetat,
Thank you for the inquiry.
The images in the site are actually lazy loaded as you can see in the following markup. The img tag contains the “lazyloaded” class attribute.
<img class="avia_image lazyloaded" src="https://site.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Warren_Buffett_PNG-removebg-preview.png" alt="Warren Buffett" title="Warren Buffet Value Investing" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" data-lazy-src="https://site.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Warren_Buffett_PNG-removebg-preview.png" data-was-processed="true" width="470" height="532">
According to the page speed insight tool, the page contains too many elements — 1895 in total. You should consider trimming them down a bit or move the other content in a different page.
You should also increase the cache expiry or lifetime of the resources.
// https://web.dev/uses-long-cache-ttl?utm_source=lighthouse&utm_medium=unknown
Best regards,