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  • #1203072

    I am working with Enfold since a few years, but there´s one feature I am missing most: the ability to make layouts for post type templates with Avia, e.g. building a layout how EVERY single post should look like. I know that I can use Avia in posts, but that´s not the same. Lately I saw, that in Theme “Impreza” there is a feature called “page blocks ” and “content templates” to achieve this – but it uses WP Bakery Page Builder and I hate it…
    In my current project the customer wants that ALL his blog posts should use a layout he created in Avia Builder, as if it was the blueprint for single.php

    Has anyone managed to achieve this? I would appreciate any idea or hint to do so.


    Hey egm1971,

    I’m not sure if it’s what you are looking for, but maybe the Page Content element would do that trick for you? That would let you design a part on a page, then you import it using the element. Otherwise I think you would have to customise single.php manually in your child theme.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    no, the Page Content Element will not help me to build a template instead of manually editing single.php – I know that this would be the usual way to modify the layout of a single post.

    Furthermore, it´s not very straightforward that I have to rebuild a completed layout from Avia Designer as plain HTML / php in single.php – it´s not even possible to use the generated shortcodes from my layout in single.php because the HTML/CSS-nesting is not the same as used in the Avia-Layouts.

    The feature to use layouts as theme templates is sorely missing in Enfold. Will have to switch my favourite theme… :-/



    Thanks for the update. I’m not sure how things work in the theme you referred to in your first post, but it is possible to do what you are asking for if you build the layout, then save it as a template. You can then use that template each time you create a new post. The downside with that method is that you can’t change the template globally in case you should wish to change the layout.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    sorry to say but the “save as Template”-method is a no-go. Nobody has the time to change te layout of hundreds of posts if something has to be changed.
    best regards


    Hi Ernst,

    Thanks for the update. I think those are the only options available for you in the theme unfortunately. If those are not enough for you then you might have to look for a different theme.

    Best regards,

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