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  • #1084750

    Wordpress: Version 5.1.1

    The Problem I faced first was that when using visual composer and editing texts. I could not edit them anymore in a proper way. I saw html tags when using visual composer.
    But now the visual composer disappeared completely, leaving me with the basic composer WordPress provides. And on top of that it seems that there is some kind of incomplete codesnipped which causes display errors. Revising to Versions where I did not have the problem just revises text changes but not these settings that are causing this error.

    Can someone help me here?



    I recently discovered that I can read. And I did it. I just searched for similar problems and tried to model the people who successfully fixed it. I now it works. My brain and you guys who solved it before are incredible. :-)

    Have a nice day :-)

    Just install the Classic Editor as a plugin. Switch On, Switch off. Thats it.
    Layout builder shows up and everything is alright.


    Hi martingasiorek,

    We’re glad to hear that :)
    I’ll just add some information, if you’re using Enfold 4.5.2 and above, you just need to go to Enfold > Theme Options > Select Your Editor, set this to Use WP Classic Editor.
    If you’re using Enfold version 4.5.1 and below and don’t wan’t to update then you can install Classic Editor plugin.
    Thanks for using Enfold and hope you have a great day! :)

    Best regards,

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