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  • #245824

    I’m having trouble with Enfold on iPhone, as the blog post layout gets squished quite heavily if featured image is set. I’ve checked my plugins and I’m not running any mobile layout enhancements. I am running Jetpack with a few features though, including its gallery enhancement (but none of my linked posts below are using the Gallery post type).

    Examples (view on iPhone in portrait): this post has a featured image set, so the blog post text gets squished so far to the right that only a word or two fits on each line:


    But this post, with no featured image (but a gallery at the bottom, FWIW), displays ok:


    Any idea what could be going on?

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by chartier. Reason: Wanted to specify viewing examples on iPhone

    Hi chartier!

    You can try to use a media query to hide the featured image for iphone users. By default Enfold will hide it for screens smaller than 768px (width) but iphones with retina displays, etc. maybe require a higher screen size value. Try to insert this code into the quick css field:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
    .responsive .template-blog .blog-meta, .responsive .post_author_timeline, .responsive #top #main .sidebar {
    display: none;

    and try to replace 767px with a value like 900px or 1024px – it depends on the screen resolution of your iphone.


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