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  • #247917

    If I could get some help with this page I think that would go a long way to helping me understand this theme.

    First, the background is an image that is 1500 X 500 and has been used on other full size backgrounds with no problems; however, here, as you can see by the white-space, for some reason it has been scaled down to a height of 290px. ???

    Secondly, for the EasySlider on the left, first I specified the size as 495 X 400 from the drop down list; however, no selection seems to do anything. I would also like to be able to have different size columns. On this one here I would like to make the slider column smaller and the text column larger.

    Third, I added the text block column and no matter what I select for the style the section has a bordered color background that I don’t want, plus, even if I did want it the box is too small. I also added custom css for the right column to move closer to the left column by adding padding-left:-200px, but, again, that did nothing. I searched exhaustively through all the CSS files, looking for avia-textblock but found nothing.

    I might add that in searching for a theme and reviewing your demo the most important design element for me is the ability to have two and three column layouts with images or sliders in one of the columns. Once I know how to do this I can move forward with the site.

    Appreciate your help.


    Hey Gary!

    I didn’t see any background image on that Page, for the column sizing you mention you can try using one like this:



    I’m a little confused by your answer, although I agree that a 1/3, 2/3 layout would be better. What about my other questions?


    To be honest, i got a little confused with your question too, so i responded what i understood. Please elaborate on your other questions (numbering them would be helpful).



    First, the background is an image that is 1500 X 500 and has been used on other full size backgrounds with no problems; however, here, as you can see by the white-space, for some reason it has been scaled down to a height of 290px. ??? Resolved

    Secondly, for the EasySlider on the left, first I specified the size as 495 X 400 from the drop down list; however, no selection seems to do anything. I would also like to be able to have different size columns. On this one here I would like to make the slider column smaller and the text column larger. You responded with the 1/3, 2/3 suggestion, but you didn’t answer why none of the size selections do anything.

    Third, I added the text block column and no matter what I select for the style the section has a bordered color background that I don’t want, plus, even if I did want it the box is too small. I also added custom css for the right column to move closer to the left column by adding padding-left:-200px, but, again, that did nothing. I searched exhaustively through all the CSS files, looking for avia-textblock but found nothing. No answer

    I might add that in searching for a theme and reviewing your demo the most important design element for me is the ability to have two and three column layouts with images or sliders in one of the columns. Once I know how to do this I can move forward with the site. Sort of answered, but I need to know if the column sizes can be set with custom-css.

    Would also be helpful to both of us if we could use colors in our posts.


    2. I also noted that on my end, i will investigate.

    3. Are you referring to this text block? that style is being applied by a code you have in Quick CSS.

    4. Layout elements can be targeted with CSS, you can try using the Chrome Inspect Element tool to get the class of them (they are based in the order they are created, ex: .avia-el-xx).



    Thanks, and yes number 3 was referring to the right-hand text block area, but my question was how to move the columns closer together with css, i.e. padding-left:-200px;?

    As for number 4 are you then saying that once I identify the css for a particular area, adding custom css will work?


    Padding can’t have a negative value, it would be better to use position: relative for that, take a look:

    It should work:


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Josue.
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