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  • #656535


    I changed nothing. WP login is still working, no problems…



    when trying to login it says for me: “ERROR: Login failed because your IP address has been blocked. Please contact the administrator.”

    Best regards,


    Ok, try it again…



    it still does not work. Now it says “invalid login credentials”. Please check and let us know when you’re ready, so we can login without problems.

    Best regards,


    Ok, once again… all tested. the login credentials must be entered correctly, otherwise wordpress locks after 3 trial



    please ask your host about it and ask them if the Avia Framework with Advanced Layout Builder gets blocked somehow.

    Follow these instructions:


    Hope this helps!

    Best regards,


    I talked with the hoster, it will be blocked no files. the hoster has however changed to 5.6 in the last few weeks the php version of 5.3. it is possible that this conversion has something to do with the problem?

    the tips in the article “my enfold layout builder is not loading properly” we had all been tested together, without success



    tell your host to update to php 7.

    Best regards,



    the hoster says that a conversion to php 7 planned but currently is not yet possible. What can I do? Are you sure, that the php-version is the problem?


    A question in between: Do you speak german? Kriesi is a website from Austria and in Austria German is spoken. It would be for me sometimes easier …


    Ok, I tested … New database with new WordPress installation on the same server, PHP 5.6, WordPress 4.5.2, Enfold Theme installed. Avia Layout Builder works without problems. But that solves my problem with the already created page not, but shows that the PHP version may not be the problem.

    Can I install the Avia Layout Builder as a separate plugin? Maybe it works…


    I’m still waiting… What happens next?


    Avia Layout Builder works without problems.

    So is it solved for you finally?

    Did you insert the code from here into your functions.php?

    Best regards,


    No, it’s not solved finally. The avia builder works in a new installation on the same server, but not in the already created original page. It shows only that the PHP version can not be the problem.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by dsignoWerbung.

    And yes, the code is insert in the functions-enfold.php, without success



    do not use functions-enfold.php, but functions.php instead.

    Use a plugin like Migrate DB plugin to migrate your old database into your new installation, so that everything works fine for you.

    Best regards,


    What? and if that happens again in the new installation? I need to know where the error was

    this will be the new website of a customer of us, this website must work permanently



    we don’t know where the error was, but as you can see the theme works well, even on your server. It could be 1000 reasons, but anyway, it’s working now, so just migrate your old content int your new installation.

    Best regards,



    in the settings of Enfold there is a box “Lock advanced layout builder” and that was checked, that was all. Seems to have been checked with an update. This error could have the support must immediately recognize. Lots of attempts to correct the error and nobody of support has come up with the idea to draw attention to this checkbox.

    Sorry, but that was really bad job



    Great, glad you found the problem. Sorry to hear you are not happy with our support/work.

    Best regards,

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