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  • #853372

    Hi There,
    I am currently unable to complete my clients website as the page builder hangs
    I have tried the following:
    1. replaced theme via ftp
    2. disabled plugins
    3. removed all custom css and fuction.php changes (I am using a child theme)

    I also frequently get 500 internal server errors
    I am using PHP version 5.6

    The page builder hangs and 500 errors have got progressively worse (I had very few problems when first building the website a couple of weeks ago – just occasional page builder hangs when saving changes).

    Many thanks


    I have also just changed my PHP version to 7. Unfortunately this didn’t help either
    Many thanks


    Hi Jon,

    I see the same thing on my end on your home page. The 500 error occurs on the /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php file. I think your hosting provider should be able to tell you why that is, could you try contacting them please?

    Best regards,

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