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  • #207190

    Is there a way to make the first (or any) slide within a homepage LayerSlider transparent, so that the background image of the site is displayed rather than an image uploaded to the background of said slide?




    I don’t think that’s possible with your current setup, because you’d need to erase the content background too, and that will affect the content below the slider. Maybe putting the LayerSlider inside a color section could work.



    Hmm…it doesn’t look like it’s possible to put an Advanced Layer Slider into a color section?


    Oh, i forgot about that. Unfortunately is not possible to achieve that with LS.



    So there’s no way to make one of the slides in the Advanced Layer Slider transparent?



    You could make it transparent, however it won’t show the body background but the container background.



    So how do I make the container background transparent?



    Can you please post a screenshot of what you’re trying to do?

    Add this on Quick CSS to make the layer slider container transparent:

    .avia-layerslider.main_color {
    background: transparent !important;

    You can also change it to a certain color:

    .avia-layerslider.main_color {
    background: blue !important;

    Then add this to decrease the opacity of the first slide background:

    #ls-global * div div#layerslider_1 .ls-layer > .ls-bg {
    opacity: .2 !important;



    Thanks Ismael,

    I added those lines but it didn’t change anything. Please see this screenshot:
    LayerSlider for TIC

    So essentially I’m going to just keep the text on that first slide, and hope that the first slide can be completely transparent and show the background image instead (which is the same image that the slide has right now, but is misaligned every time the aspect ratio is changed).



    I’ve actually just removed the image from that first slide, but now it’s just the gray container background…



    Can you please post the link to the actual website? The code I gave you works as intended. Probably needed a few adjustments on your end.


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    Although I have recently reset it to the stretched layout, because when using a background image for the boxed layout and setting it at center top, it does not actually center at top center.

    Why was this discussion closed? I was still trying to fix this issue, and just changed it back to stretched for the time being…

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by erikkIsrael.
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