Tagged: LayerSlider
In the global settings of our layerslider slider, we have:
slider width: 1130
slider height: 466
full width slider: off
responsive under: 1130
layers container: 1130
In Internet Explorer 8, the page in question has slides which don’t fit properly within the container – they are cut off.
This happens if Responsive is turned on or off.
If I set responsive under to 1010 the same thing happens.
If I set layers container to 1010, the same thing happens.
How do I ensure the slides are not cut off?
Hey SRD!
IE8 does not support media queries that well. Please try to adjust the inner layer slider using this:
.ls-inner, .ls-layer {
width: 1000px !important \9;
width/*\**/: 1000px !important \9;
Hi Ismael,
What style sheet do I put this in?
Do I need to surround it with “IF IE8″… ?
Hi Ismael,
I added the following code to header.php
<!--[if lte IE 9]>
<style type="text/css">
.ls-inner, .ls-layer {
width: 1000px !important \9;
width/*\**/: 1000px !important \9;
The problem remains.
Hi Ismael,
I used Respond.js and the layers are no longer cut off.