Tagged: LayerSlider, mp4, video formats
I use the Enfold Theme – Version 3.4.4 and the build in LayerSlider WP.
Yesterday I issued a short corporate video (12 sec duration) in 3 formats: .MP4, .WEBM and .OGV.
I uploaded the videos via FileZilla to my server. However, I started with editing slider with LayerSlider WP (5.5.0 installed).
My intention is to build one slider, which will work on the most browser like Firefox, Chrome e.g. and device like Andorid or IPad.
In this case I use the 3 mentioned video file formats.
In the Layer I use the following code:
<video width=”auto” height=”auto” preload=”metadata” autoplay>
<source src=”/…/MP4.mp4″ type=”video/mp4″ />
<source src=”/…/WEBM.webmhd.webm” type=”video/webm” />
<source src=”/…/OGG.oggtheora.ogv” type=”video/ogg” />
The problem is, only .MP4 file works on Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer.
But if I try open the website on Andoid (Firefox browser) or IPad (Safari browser) is doesn`t work. Only black screen.
I checked the .WEBM and .OGV file in Firefox, Chrome e.g. (drag’n’drop the video file to an open window).
Just in case the .WEBM and .OGV is OK. It works very nice. I also checked the server (MIME types) and added them to the .htaccess file.
.htaccess file:
AddType video/ogg .ogv
AddType video/mp4 .mp4
AddType video/webm .webm
What is wrong :)
Hey DrArtur!
Thanks a lot for the detailed ticket, we do appreciate that.
can you please provide us with a link of your web site, so we can give it a look?
Best regards,
Hello Basilis,
I just found the solution on the following website.
See “Option B: Multiple codecs with Flash fallback”.
Now everything works :)