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  • #732586


    I just noticed that LayerSlider WP is not displaying the image on some of my pages.
    On some pages it is working fine, and in other pages it is not.

    The slider text fades in, but the background image is not being displayed.

    I have tried deleting the layerslider on the page, and re-inserting it, and saving out the page, but no luck.

    When I inspect the element, it looks like the right image and image path are called, but for some reason the image is not being displayed.

    I just noticed that the missing images are referring to an https path, but the ones that are working use http. Not sure why some are using https and some are not? any ideas? is this a WordPress thing? They were all working at one point.

    Resaving the actual slider seems to be working as a solution.

    OK, I had to re-save about 20 slider images, and they all seem to be working now.

    I still don’t know what caused these path errors to begin with. Very strange.

    The only change that I have made is installed JetPack – could this be the reason?

    I deactivated JetPack, but still having the same issue.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Basilis.

    Hey xuamox,

    Thanks for the feedback, so it’s all working now? It’s very difficult to say what could have gone wrong before unfortunately.

    Best regards,


    No worries. Yes it’s all working now. It was just a matter of having to re-save a number of the slides in the LayerSlider WP admin.
    Anyhow, good to have some notes in case anyone else runs into a similar issue.



    Thanks a lot for replying back, we do appreciate it a lot!
    Please feel free to let us know what else we can do for you.

    Thank u

    Best regards,

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