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  • #1018684

    I have the following message directing me to ask y’all for the update that is available:
    “An update is available for LayerSlider WP!
    You have version 6.7.1. The latest version is 6.7.6.
    New releases contain new features, bug fixes and various improvements across the entire plugin. Set up auto-updates to upgrade to this new version, or request it from the author of your theme if you’ve received LayerSlider from them.”

    How would I get this update?



    Hey gatehealing,
    The layerslider is updated with the theme updates, as it’s a bundled plugin.
    Please see our documentation: How to update LayerSlider

    Best regards,


    Cool. Got it. Now will that API key work when I am using a child theme? I’m assuming so. If it does work when entered into Enfold Child, then no response needed, you can just close this.




    Are you asking if your theme API key will work for the Layer Slider? If so then the answer is no unfortunately.

    Best regards,


    I’m asking if the API key I got from the “How to update LayerSlider” link should be pasted into the “child” theme box for Enfold updates, which should update LayerSlider when Enfold is updated.



    To update the bundled layerslider, either the child theme, or as the parent theme, no api key is needed.
    I took another look at the “How to update LayerSlider” link, but I don’t see a api key posted there.
    If you found one there it was not intend.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Regarding the API, following the directions for how to update LayerSlider, it refers to updating the theme. . . so I went to Theme Updates where I am directed to get an API key. At the bottom of that page, it states that updates will be automatically checked for every 12 hours, so I am hoping that there is an update for the theme that will include the LayerSlider update . . . and that this will happen automatically per the Theme Updates page in Enfold that I referred to as per How to Update LayerSlider that references updating the theme to update layerslider.

    I have my username and API for my enfold updates saved, so I think whenever y’all do another update, I should have the newest version.



    I see, sorry I got mixed up there. Unless there is anything else we can assist with on this issue, shall we close this then?

    Best regards,


    No prob. I’m not super clear in some of my writing when I’m in a hurry.

    We are good on this one. Closing is fine.



    Glad we were able to help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to start new threads under Enfold sub forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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