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  • #1281462

    I just purchased the Enfold Theme today and have installed on a localhost WordPress installation running WordPress 5.6.1.

    PHP Version is 8.0.1

    When I am attempting to edit a Slider in the LayerSlider WP admin section, the “slider” edit page is blank with no information.

    The following error is outputted with WP_DEBUG turned on: “Deprecated: Required parameter $keys follows optional parameter $name in C:\xampp\apps\wordpress\htdocs\wp-content\themes\enfold\config-layerslider\LayerSlider\assets\classes\ on line 74”

    I am also seeing a notice to upgrade LayerSlider from version 6.11.2 to 6.11.5.

    I am surprised that I am not seeing this issue reported by others in the forum. Is this a known issue? Is there a workaround I can implement while we are waiting on the next version of the theme to be released?



    Hi David,

    This bug has already been reported and the next update of Enfold will have a fix on it.
    For now, Enfold is still not compatible with PHP 8 but an update should be released soon.

    Best regards,

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