In LayerSlider, I can’t see a way to make my text layer solid white with a transparent black background. When I make the opacity of the background 0.5 it makes the text 0.5 as well and I want the text to be 1 (solid white/no transparency) on a 0.5 (transparent black) background. I’ve searched the forums but can’t find a solution. I’m sure there’s a simple answer :)
You will see from this link what I mean: https://www.avidcreative.co.uk/njl/contact-us/
Hey retray,
Thank you for the inquiry.
You should be able to use rgba color values in the background option instead of the default hex, and define the alpha or opacity of the specified color.
// https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_colors_rgb.asp
Best regards,