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  • #229555


    The shortcode for my layerSlider is not working. It is just showing the shortcode as text on the page.

    it was working absolutely fine until I tried to add another shortcode to the page for the ‘partner/logo element’. This was also appearring on the page as expected but the layerslider was not.

    Please help!



    Hi CharlotteTryzens!

    The theme actually disables LayerSlider shortcodes. The only way to get the LayerSlider slideshows into the page is with the Avia Layout Builder.

    If it was working before it was a fluke unfortunately.

    Best regards,


    Hi Devin,

    Thanks for your reply. I have managed to sort this now. I was having problems with adding html content to the ‘text block’ element too as it was adding unnecessary tags to my html, is there a reason for this? I’m now using a text/html widget instead which seems to work better.

    I have another query about how to make full-width sections on the homepage like on the Enfold ‘live preview’ demo. The elements I have added to my homepage are all inside ‘container’ which has a fixed width on it. Can you advise on how I can change this? I want to have full width panels with a set width ‘container’ inside them.





    1.) Please switch to the Text mode when adding html tags and avoid hitting “Enter” to prevent creating automatic line breaks.

    2.) Please edit the Color Section then look for “For Developers: Section ID”, add something like “my-awesome-section”. Add something like this on Quick CSS to modify the width of the container inside the section:

    #my-awesome-section {
    width: 100%;

    Best regards,


    All content sections have a container, even on the demo. There are specific builder elements which are full width but they are labeled by that name.

    With WordPress in general it will always try and mess with code you add in to the text tab when switching between tabs. Since the text element switches between text/visual to display it can cause issues with the filters depending on if you edit the element often, the last tab had open and other seemingly random conflicts.

    What I’ve found best is to use another plugin to output code using a shortcode or make shortcodes myself. If you will be using code often make sure that you don’t switch between the text tab and visual tab.



    I have the exact same issue with shortcodes. One was working and when I added a new one, stopped working. How did you solve it?



    This reply has been marked as private.


    The LayerSlider is a fullwidth element only within the theme. I’m not sure on the specifics of why but Kriesi has commented on it a number of times and said that the way he has it implemented is that its a full width element and so the drag and drop editor only allows it to be added in as its own fullwidth element in a layout.




    Thanks for the info. But then the only way to do non full width layers is using easy layer?



    You can use the other slideshows inside columns and elements just not LayerSlider slideshows.


    Sorry but not quite get it. For non full width sliders I have:
    – easyslider: works
    – fullwidth easyslider: No good for non full screen
    – fullscreen slider: No good for non full screen
    – advanced layerslider: Dos not work for inside elements. How can I put it on columns?

    So I still do not see a way to use a slider other than easyslider on non full width…




    Yes, right now only the “easyslider” (which is the same slider which is also used for the ” fullwidth easyslider”, etc.) can be placed inside columns.



    I can not seem to get an EasySlider inside a column. First I added the two-column layout and then dragged the EasySlider element inside the first column, but nothing happens. I want the slider in the left column and text in the right column.
    Also, I have a full-width LayoutSlider below the columns. Even though the edit showed no EasySlider, on which I had selected both the 495 X 400 and the No limit, but neither worked, my LayerSlider was suddenly smaller. ???
    Being able to have various column layouts and insert EasySliders is critical to my design.

    Appreciate your help. ,


    Okay, I solved my EasySlider issue and an update to this process would be great. I didn’t realize I had to drag the icon so far down for it to appear in the column. I was putting it below the color section a couple of inches, but it appears you have to make the <> appear bolder before it will work. Not exactly intuitive.

    A somewhat related issue is that in many cases the “Preview Changes” does not result in the actual changes. Only if you “Update” will you see the real changes.



    Previews on pages aren’t publicly viewable or sharable. In general I’ve not found them to be reliable with the ALB so updating and then viewing is the best way to work on layouts from my experience. Typically if I’m trying something out I would do it on a completely separate page and then re-do the layout of another page since revisions, previews and the like aren’t that clean with WordPress.



    What is ALB? My question is why doesn’t the preview adhere to the CSS? For example, if you look at my HomePage I have three column backgrounds that I sized very carefully using a screen capture to Corel PSP which then gave me the exact pixel sizes for the backgrounds. I spent a couple of very frustrating hours wondering why the backgrounds didn’t line up properly. Then I updated and viewed the page and the backgrounds were perfect.

    I use Microsoft Expressions to create websites and the Super Preview shows me the site in all browsers and it is always exactly what I coded, so something isn’t right with the preview in Enfold.


    The ALB is the Avia Layout Builder. Viewing previews is finicky, I can’t really help improve it for you right now since we’ve never gotten an overwhelming number of complaints on its usage.

    For reliability in general I never use it when doing any projects for clients and I also don’t recommend using it either since even outside of with Enfold I’ve found it to be unreliable.



    ALB is the acronym for “Advanced Layout Builder”. The preview on the editor page does not apply all theme styles because we want to avoid to load all theme stylesheets on the backend/admin page – some theme styles may interfere with the wordpress admin styles and would break the ui. I recommend to open the page you want to edit in a new tab and then you just need to switch to the other tab to preview the content.



    To whom this may concern,

    The ALB does not show all of my layer sliders and I cannot add them via shortcode since you’ve disabled it. Please let me know how I can proceed. I started a thread several months ago and NO ONE ever responded to that or my messages through your contact forms.

    Matt Nystrom


    Hey Matt!

    Sorry about your troubles, but you’ve found the right place to get support now. Could you please provide us with a link to your site, and, if possible, a temporary admin login so that we can take a closer look?


    This reply has been marked as private.


    I tried to login to the site but there is an Internal Server Error. Please check.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Sorry. I have numerous sites. Which one are we referring to here?



    , Your last post in this topic was a year ago. Go ahead and create a new topic please.

    , I was able to login but after that your site kept timing out for me so I could not do any testing. I could not check but it seemed like you were using an older version of Enfold and WordPress. You will need to update both.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Elliott.

    To whom this may concern,

    Our website recently went down because our database was filled with spam queries. Everything is back up and running with the log-in information I sent in the previous messages.

    ************* Recap if what is not working *************

    – The ALB does not work at all anymore. the loader just spins and spins when I open up a page/portfolio.
    ***** Original issue that still exists ***** The ALB does not show all of my layer sliders and I cannot add them via shortcode since you’ve disabled it. Please let me know how I can proceed. I started a thread several months ago and NO ONE ever responded to that or my messages through your contact forms.

    Matt Nystrom



    We can’t retrieve the layer sliders if the database is corrupted. Hope that the layer slider data are still intact in the database. Please create a new thread. Post the login details and url to the website there. Make sure that you’re running Enfold 3.1.2 and WordPress 4.1.1. We actually answered your inquiry here:



    To clarify, LayerSlider shortcodes are NOT processed within the AVIA Builder and will not be processed… yes?

    Not sure why I cannot use the SHORTCODE inside a AVIA TEXT BLOCK as there may be cases to want to make a video carousel or some other slider to fill the width of the block… how can we turn back on the processing of the shortcode: [layerslider id=”145″]

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by phillipsmind. Reason: added more detail

    Hi phillipsmind,

    We have a problem with shortcodes in the latest version of the theme which you are using, an actual LayerSlider element needs to be present on the page for the shortcodes to work. Could you try adding the slider with the builder element instead please?

    Best regards,

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