Tagged: LayerSlider, Youtube
We have some videos form Youtube used in Layerslider and they work just fine in the computers – all browsers, and operational systems.
However, it does not work in the ipad and iphone.
The first image is frozen – showing the Youtube play button ( which we do NOT need) but worst, it does not play.
We have some videos form Youtube used in the COLOR SECTION of THE AVIA LAYOUT BUILDER and they work just fine in the computers – all browsers, and operational systems.
However, it does not work in the ipad and iphone.
The first image is frozen – showing the Youtube play button ( which we do NOT need) but worst, it does not play.
( SIMILAR ISSUE AS BEFORE – but for avia layout builder
If you switch theme and use the same videos, does they work properly on mobile?
Site is live and everything else is working well so we do fear to change themes at this point.
We just need a tool to place some videos – that are responsive – that can work – automatically in the different sizes.
If we need a different slider – or something else please advise.
We just want to know a solution so it can be seen on iphone and ipad
Autoplay is disabled on Apple products by the manufacturer so there is no way around it unfortunately, you can set a fallback image for the color section instead.
Best regards,
So how can you get a video in Word-Press website ( using Enfold) to show up and autoplay in a responsive way? ( iphobe, ipad)
Do you provide this service?
We have seen other websites working ! How are they doing it?
Your last link is down, please check the URL or provide another example. I checked with http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/
If you need to hire a freelancer we recommend https://codeable.io/