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  • #430773


    LayerSlider is suddenly not showing any previews, except for one small one out of 10 created. There are only 3 actually being used in this site. I have just noticed this happening, but have not edited the sliders for a couple months.

    WordPress, LayerSlider and Enfold are all the most current versions.
    No new plugins have been added coincident with the loss of function.

    The sliders in use in the sites all seem to work fine, and I can edit them a little bit using the input fields with specific numbers, but I can’t see any images in the preview as I work, cannot place or edit images and it does not enter “preview mode.” I have looked through the forum, but can’t seem to see any solutions there though some have had similar problems. I have deactivated most all plugins one at time, but not all at once yet. The three sites have different plugins.

    I have one other plug-in, “BackupBuddy,” that has ceased to work with JavaScript errors. I have deactivated it, but I wonder if it could have corrupted something on a backup attempt.

    I have two other Enfold sites up with many of the same plugins and LayerSlider works in one but not the other. So, in two out of 3 sites LayerSlider is not working—or at least not showing previews or allowing me to edit.

    Can you help me?


    – Michael

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by blaircomm. Reason: Clarification

    Hi blaircomm!

    I would try deactivating all of the plugins at the same time and clear your cache to see what happens.

    If your still having problems then send us a WordPress login and we’ll take a look.


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    I created a new slider and the preview is working fine. In your other sliders it looks like the images are not being found. I don’t know what it could be so I would try contacting the LayerSlider plugin authors for more information.



    Thanks for checking it out.

    I see, and was able to modify it. Looks like the LayerSlider engine is OK. I will purchase a license from the LayerSlider people and see if they’ll provide support. It looks like I can also duplicate the sliders in use from scratch since I have all the calculations in place–if it comes to that.

    – Michael



    Ok great, please let us know if we can provide you with any more help on the issue.

    Best regards,

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