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  • #818115

    Hi guys.
    i can’t use popup in layer slider in localhost for test !!!!
    not show popup new !!!
    what is reason ?

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by testcu.

    any body ?


    Hi testcu,

    What do you mean by Layer Slider popup? We can help you better when you have an actual test server.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria
    i test it on server but not show popup tab in layer slider again !
    [this feature is on of reason for my buying this theme but not work .]


    Sorry I don’t understand what you mean by “popup in layer slider” can you show with a screenshot or video?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike

    in this pic you can see pop up tab ,not show but you can see it on this

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by testcu.

    Mike,please check it .
    Thank you




    help me please !


    Hi testcu,

    Check the DevTools console, there could be errors there. Or check the Layer Slider documentation.

    We need to see the actual website to be able to help you better. Also notice, that the higher your php version the better.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria
    i register in but ,i can’t send a ticket for support team because my purchase code is invalid he said !!!
    so how to solve my problem ?


    Hi testcu,

    To use premium features of the Layer Slider, you need to buy their license, that way you will have the key and will be able to also write to their support. The majority of the features come with Enfold, other features Layer Slider team has decided to charge for.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria
    i can’t update this plug-in !
    when i paste purchase code in text box , receive this message :
    Your purchase code appears to be invalid. Please take special care to enter it correctly without accidentally including spaces or other additional characters. Please note, you can’t activate LayerSlider with your theme’s purchase code. This also can be a temporary issue in our services. In that case please try it again in a few hours



    How LayerSlider Updates work in Enfold
    The bundled version of LayerSlider will be updated with theme updates, which we do depending on our own release cycle and depending on critical updates. The users cant update the bundled version of the layerslider, even if actived.
    However, if a user wishes to update before the next theme update, they can simply purchase a copy of the layerslider on codecanyon, upload it as a plugin and activate it. It will then overwrite the bundled version, and then the user is in full control of LayerSlider updates.
    There is no need to deactivate the bundled version, it automatically detects if the plugin version is active and disables itself.

    Hope this helps explains

    Best regards,


    Thank you Mike , so i`m waiting for your update :)


    Glad to help, shall we close this then?

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    As of right now the LayerSlider version is 6.5.1

    Best regards,


    Hi mike .
    why i use pop up layer slider don’t work correctly also your partner says you can use of layer slider premium , but i can find any feature for this !!!

    Best Regards


    Hi testcu,

    I am not sure I understand your last reply, could you please say in other words?

    Best regards,


    Hi i downloaded the Popup Infobar Demo and struggle on getting it to work with an external button launch.
    The slider currently is [layerslider id=”10″]

    So should i only type #popup as a jQuery selector in the Open by click field ?

    If so, how to add a correct button on a page ?

    I´ve tried this.
    [layerslider id=”10″]

    [av_button label='Click me' link='manually,#id="popup"' link_target='' size='small' position='center' icon_select='yes' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' admin_preview_bg='']


    Hi propellerfoto,

    The code just gives a jQuery error

    I’m not sure it’s going to work like this.

    Best regards,

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