I have put this line at the bottom of header.php
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[av_layerslider id=”2″]’); ?>
it is blank on all pages, except this one:
where the layerslider was added to the Advanced Layout Editor…
Hey Nancy,
You can call the Layer Slider in these two ways:
<?php layerslider(1) ?> or [layerslider id="1"]
So you don’t need the “do_shortcode” part.
Best regards,
Actually – that does not work. the only way to call layerslider from a script is to remove the built-in version:
add_theme_support( ‘deactivate_layerslider’ );
and then install it yourself. Then you can call it from php.
Hi Nancy,
Well, this does not sound right, but if it’s working for you, then you can use this solution.
Do you need any more help from us?
Best regards,