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  • #521477

    Hey guys…

    I’ve edited one of the Enfold layerslider imports, and it works perfectly in the preview…but not on any of the pages of the site. Please let me kn ow what you need from me to look into this.

    Thank you so much!


    Hey ginigarbick!

    You have 7 sliders currently. Let us know which one it is and send us a link to the exact page where your using it please.

    Be sure to deactivate all plugins while testing and update Enfold to the latest version, 3.2.2. Your currently using version 3.2.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Elliott.

    Thank you!!

    I just cleaned them up and I’m down to two now. The one I want to use is ID 4 and I’d like to use it on this page:

    But I’d also like to use it throughout the site, if there is a way to do that.

    Thanks again for everything!



    I created a test page and it seems to be working fine.

    Best regards,


    Hey Elliott….it’s not working on my end. The green slider that has three slides to it, that moves in constant motion in the developer…just ker-plunks when I open the page.



    I don’t understand. If your referring to the slider with the leafy image, that only has one slide. Did you check the link I provided in my previous post private content?

    Take a screenshot and highlight what your seeing so we can get a better idea.



    I did check the link…and the slider did not work in it for me.

    But with regard to the slider that I’m referring to, and the functionality I’m looking for….please go into LayerSlider and run the preview on the green leafy slider. I would like it to do all of those things wherever I transfer it to.

    Thanks again for all your help!



    I checked the test page Elliott has created here and layerslider works fine for me. I can see the green leafs just fine. Can you show us what you see using screenshots? you can use or dropbox.
    Which OS and browser are you using?



    Hey Andy…it works intermittently for me. But what I’d like you to look at is the slider preview – I’ve provided the link below. If you go into the site, and into the LayerSlider, select the green/leafy one, and enter preview mode. See the constant animation? Is there anyway that I can get that to work on my homepage?

    Thank you guys so much!




    It’s displaying the same as on the homepage. Do you mean why isn’t it transitioning? It’s because you have the “Start slideshow” option turned off in the slider settings.

    Best regards,


    Doh! Are you kidding me? Something so simple (and, of course, operator error)

    Where do I turn those back on? Is it a page specific option or within the Enfold Theme Options?


    I got it! Thank you so much! I’m all set.



    Glad we could help :-)


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