Tagged: help
WordPress 5.2.3
Enfold latest version! (4.6.2)
PHP version: 7.3.3
Activated classic mode in Theme options
There is also an issue with the yoast widget showing on the last footer column. – which is needed for SEO.
And the wordpress admin bar no longer shows when previewing the site in a nother window when logged in.
Please can you help this is a live site and I need to get it workign asap.
Hey rebecca,
The login page you posted leads me to a 404 page, could you post the correct login page URL please?
Best regards,
I am having the same issue only in Safari.
Hi NickishaN,
Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site. Posts in other users threads without any information to work with doesn’t help anyone.
Best regards,
Hi Sorry about that
Thank you for the update.
The layer slider in the home page seems to be loading properly on our end — but we are only able to check it on Firefox. Can you give us a screenshot of the home page on Safari? You can upload the screenshot to imgur or dropbox, then share the link here.
Best regards,
Here is the dropbox image. Thanks
We can’t access the screenshot because it’s not publicly viewable. Try to set the privacy option of the screenshot properly, or use imgur instead. And if you don’t mind, please kindly open your own thread next time because the original poster can actually see what you added in the private field.
Best regards,