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  • #602075


    I updated the Enfold-Theme to the latest version 3.5

    Everything seems to be working except for the Layerslider. I just get a white empty space where the slider used to be. I tried disabling all plugins without success.
    The css and js files are being loaded and I get this empty container:
    <div id="layer_slider_1" class="avia-layerslider main_color avia-shadow avia-builder-el-0 el_before_av_textblock avia-builder-el-first container_wrap fullsize" style="height: 551px;"></div>

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance!


    Hey 2SINN!

    We need to take a closer look at this issue please create a temporary user with ‘administrator’ role and share in private content with permission to deactivate all plugins and add custom code if necessary to help you resolve this issue.

    Best regards,
    Vinay Kashyap


    I uploaded the site to a testing-server. Thanks in advance!



    you are using a caching Plugin, so go into plugin’s settings and choose to switch off caching. Deactivate this and all other plugins. Afterwards clear browser cache and hard refresh a few times.

    If that does not work: Are we allowed to deactivate all your plugins by ourselves?

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy, feel free to try anything. This server ist just for you. Or Vinnie. ;)



    did you follow my instructions? please let us know when you are done, so we can assist you further.



    I tried disabling all plugins without success.



    there might be some corrupted files, so please delete all theme files completely via FTP, before installing a fresh copy from your themeforest account:




    thank you. I tried that without success :(



    You have two installations of the parent theme, could you try to delete the one which you are not using and update the one you are using to the latest version (3.5.1). I tried clearing cache from your plugin but it gave me an error message so disabling all plugins might be a good approach to finding the error.



    Hi guys,

    thanks for your support. I found the solution. I had a child-theme override that prevented the slider from being loaded. Works now :)

    Have a good one!



    Great, glad you found the problem. Please let us know if you should need any more help on the topic.



    Have updated Enfold and the LayerSlider Wp is not working correctly.

    When i go to edit a slide, i cannot change the image of the slider, nor can I click on the next slide tab, when hovering over it display the image but the tab seems to be disabled.

    Also when try to disable the slide navigation options, once saving it defaults back to previous settings.

    Any help would be much appreciated.


    Hi harbourassist,

    Looks like LayerSlider is not activated and also, when I chose a slider to edit, I saw a few Javascript errors in console:
    here is the screen shot

    They might be preventing the LS from working properly.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Victoria.

    HI Victoria,

    Thanks for looking in to this.

    Ok, so how do we activate as when trying to it that its part of this theme?? as it was working before enfold upgrade hese seeing the current slides working??
    Happy for you to activate in my behalf.
    Also are the JavaScript errors part of enfold or wp?

    Thank in advance



    Hi Nick,

    Can you please go to cPanel of ftp and check if you have this file wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/static/air-datepicker/datepicker.min.js?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Yes but it exists in a folder called “i18n”

    See below





    Hi harbourassist,

    No need to activate, sorry about that :) You can get a new version of Layer Slider with the new version of Enfold that came out yesterday. In fact, you might want to update your theme.

    Best regards,



    I have got same problem on my website.
    I can edit layer slider but doesn’t show up on my website, just a blank white space…

    Have updated the theme via FTP and switched off all plugins to see if a conflict but still just a blank screen.

    Does anyone have a solution for this?


    Hi timchurchman,

    Could you please check the server log for error and get back to us. Which version of php are you running?

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thank you for reporting that.
    That is actually an error that is related to an other plugin. RP_WCDPD_Pricing is the function that is called and it is not been used properly based on WooCommerce new development rules.
    You would need to contact the plugin developer to help you out – or they do release an update!

    Best regards,


    Thanks but still not working.

    Only have 3 plugins active:

    WooCommerce Cart-Based Shipping
    WooCommerce Spam Stopper


    Hi timchurchman,

    Are you trying to add a video to the Layer Slider? There is an error in Layer Slider JavaScript. The errors in the log are not related to this.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Yes i had video running on layer slider, weirdly was working for a year no problems.
    Anyway removed it and everything now seems to be working

    Thanks so much for the help!


    Hi timchurchman,

    We’re glad that the team was able to help! Please feel free to open a new topic if you have questions about anything else.

    Best regards,


    I have the same issue. updated the enfold theme and layerslider does not show. I run enfold with a child theme.

    Also saw that the [av_partner columns='4' heading='' size='medium' border='' type='slider' animation='slide' navigation='arrows' autoplay='false' interval='5' av_uid='av-1erbgoc'] now is seen much bigger than with the old version.

    thanks for your help


    Hi nexosurf,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Thanks for your reply. I finally downgraded yesterday again because the page did not work properly. Maybe the new update does not work well if the pages are not made with the advanced layer editor? I did them all with the text editor.

    Errors at first sight were:

    – layerslider shortcode did not work anymore
    – the av_partner_logo did not work well anymore (oversized)
    – css borders like this one: .page-id-3260 .avia-builder-el-10 { border: solid 2px #e1e1e1; padding: 10px; } disappeared…

    I am running the theme with a child theme.

    Thanks for your support. Looking forward to hear from you soon.
    All the best,



    Hi nexosurf,

    The Layer Slider after this update has to be added via the Advanced Layout Builder element, it does not work when added via shortcode at this point. I see that you’re using Enfold 3.8.4, did you rollback?

    Best regards,

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