Tagged: LayerSlider
all setting are good.
skin etc
tired some quick css but nothing worked so far
please help
Hey andr3y,
If you only have your site on local host then I think it will be difficult for us to help you out, would you be able to publish the site somewhere so that we can inspect the slider?
Best regards,
Hey Richard,
I uploaded the site.
check this page to see the issue
Hi andr3y,
Credentials did not work for me. Could you please update the credentials.
Best regards,
I just can’t get it working.
please see https://effectiveelectrical.ca/wp/sample-page/
From your settings, I can see that you do not have the option enable.
Please remove the multiple sliders, leave one only, make sure the height of your slides is properly
Best regards,
I removed all the sliders, there is just one slider there right now,
that slider is imported straight from the store and unmodified, it works in the demo page and but not on my page
all the setting are on, just like before
the skin buttons back, next, play and pause not showing
The layer sliders’ shortcode is disabled by default. How did you enable it?
Best regards,
Found the problem.
I had to insert element from advanced editor, not just paste the short code.
read here https://kriesi.at/support/topic/how-to-insert-slide-show-with-layerslider/#post-123959
thank you for your help