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  • #876494

    Hi Support !
    I encounter an issue in the footer, concerning layerslider.
    Let’s create a slider, which handle 14 as ID

    On the home page
    no problem with the shortcode :
    with [layerslider id=”14″] : the slider is well displayed
    If I take a shortcode made by the builder ( [av_layerslider id=’14’] ), it’s ok as well
    → The code inspector say <div id="layerslider_14" class="ls-wp-container fitvidsignore ls-fullwidth ls-container ls-fixedsize ls-device-is-desktop" style="width: 280px; height: 224px; margin: 0px auto; position: relative; max-width: none; visibility: visible;" data-layerslider-uid="LS9n02cxyq0"> … and so on

    If the page is not home
    (like with an !is_front_page() exception) :
    no way to display the slider
    with [layerslider id=”14″] and the text widget, I see [layerslider id=«14"]
    If I take a shortcode made by the builder, a white rectangle is displayed (but no slider)
    → The code inspector say <div id="layer_slider_1" class="avia-layerslider main_color avia-shadow container_wrap fullsize" style="height: 225px;"></div>
    That’s it ! Notice that it’s layer_slider and the id is 1 not 14

    I try on a fresh installation : same bug
    Can you help me

    Many thanks support team !
    Kind regards


    Hey Ikyo,

    How exactly are you using the shortcode? Please share the entire code you are using.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard

    Thanks for your answer
    I’m using several solutions (to test), but whithout success

    With Text widget
    [av_layerslider id=’14’] (from the builder)
    [layerslider id=”14″] (copy paste from the slider in layerSlider tool)

    With html widget
    [av_layerslider id=’14’]
    [layerslider id=”14″]


    Hi Ikyo,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Many thanks for your help Victoria
    Have a nice day !



    I checked and that is really srange actually.
    Layer slider is supposed to be embedded everywhere, not depending on the page.
    What I tested although is that if I create a new random page, and lets say I add it to content, it is working properly

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis

    Thanks for your help
    It’s supposed to, but it’s not

    I’ve re-test the slider on another site.
    Here’s my protocol : fresh install reset by a plugin (fresh database, brand new site with page and article by default)

    First case : I add the shortcode generated by LayerSlider wihsh is [layerslider id=”1″]
    Result : [layerslider id= »1″] and weird source code

    First case : I add the shortcode generated by the builder [av_layerslider id=’1’]
    Result : grey line, empty content


    Hi Ikyo,

    This seems to look like an encoding issue, it’s turning one of the double quotes to an invalid quote and does not interpret is as code then.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria
    Thanks for your answer
    It’s may not be an encoding issue :
    – I’m using another slider with a similar shortcode ([easingsliderpro id=”2″]) and it’s correctly deployed on the front end
    – If I add a &quot; as “, the shortcode is correctly displayed, but not the slider.

    Many thanks

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Ikyo.


    That is true, it can be the way of output, that the ” need to be recognized.
    We will do work on that as an update as it is reported, but it is also hard to define the exact position of the error.
    We would appreciate some patience while our development team is working on it.

    Best regards,

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