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  • #397325

    Hello Support,
    i would like to show the layerslider in the head.
    I have created custom action to which i assigned the widget.

    add_action( ‘ava_main_header’, ‘avia_add_to_header’ );
    function avia_add_to_header() {
    echo do_shortcode(‘[av_sidebar widget_area="header"]‘);

    Anyway this widget is shown only on pages where also layerslider in the mainbody.
    Any other widget is shown correctly on the page.

    Could you plaese help me with that?

    Thanks in advance


    Hi mAqq!

    I don’t think the LayerSlider is going to be able to be placed in the header. If it’s possible it’s going to take a lot of time and code to pull that off and would have to be considered custom work.

    What I would do is set the header to be transparent and just add the LayerSlider in your page content so it displays beneath the header.



    ok. thanks. that is also an option. Anyway i though that you will may be help me with the insert of the layerslider php function into the header after the meta. would that be a way?



    I don’t think it’s going to be possible. You can use the transparent header option though. It’s practically the same thing.


    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Elliott.
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