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  • #1424069

    Guten Tag, ich habe 2 Probleme mit LayerSlider.

    Erstens: seit dem Update von LayerSlider diese Woche, funktioniert der LayerSlider auf meiner Home-Seite nicht mehr richtig. Es wird nur die Schrift, nicht der Hintergrund angezeigt.

    Zweitens: schon vor dem Update hatte ich das Problem, dass ich auf der zugewiesenen WooCommerce Shop-Seite, keinen LayerSlider einbinden kann.

    Hat jemand einen Rat?


    Hey phschatz199,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Looks like the issue with the background is random. Did you install a lazy loading or compression plugin recently? Please try to deactivate the plugin temporarily, then toggle or disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings. Let us know if this helps.

    To insert a layer slider in the product page, you could use the woocommerce_before_main_content hook, or override the archive-product.php or single-product.php template files directly.


    Best regards,


    I tried to do that but its Not working :/
    The Layer is still Not showing the pictures properly



    Thank you for the update.

    Did you disable the plugins and then clear the cache afterward? Please provide the login details in the private field so that we can check the issue thoroughly.

    Best regards,


    Which Login Information do you Need?
    CCP? Or WordPress only



    We will need the WP and FTP details. Please provide the info in the private field. Have you tried to temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings?



    Did you try to embed the layerslider with its shortcode (on Project List hover the preview – click on the 3 dots on the top right – embed) ?


    Yes ive tried it. its currently disabled-



    Thank you for the info.

    The layer slider’s background image consistently loads when we disable Jetpack’s lazy loading option (see private field). You should consider using a different plugin or just rely on the default lazy loading feature of the layer slider plugin or WordPress

    Best regards,


    Hello, thanks for fixing it!
    Now theres another problem since youve been there. I cant find the “plugins” nor the “sites” option in the menu?
    Any ideas why or how i can fix it?



    Thank you for the update.

    We tried to log in to the site again using the account above, but it no longer seems to be working. Did you disable the account? During our last login, we noticed that the “Plugins” panel was inaccessible from the menu, so we had to manually enter “wp-admin/plugins.php” in the browser’s URL field. (see private field)

    Best regards,


    Hello, i changed the password! I will send you the new one.
    Why isnt it visible? Can you change it back?


    Thanks for the login, I see that the “Plugins” panel is not accessible, as Ismael wrote above, I believe that this is a possible conflict with another plugin or a setting in one of your plugins.
    Try logging in and then go to the url linked below to view the “Plugins” panel, and then disable all of your plugins, then enable your plugins one at a time until you find the conflict.

    Best regards,

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