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  • #508231


    I made a new header.php file to use in the index page.
    In this file, I put a two columns grid with firstly an image, then a LayerSlider (<?php layerslider(5) ?>), just after opening the “wrap_all” div.

    But the loading of this page just stop before the php opening mark.

    If I put another LayerSlider in the page using Avia builder, then the page loads successfully.

    Have you an idea why this happen ?


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by carosch.

    Hi carosch!

    You’ll need to call the avia_layerslider shortcode instead.

    <?php echo do_shortcode("[av_layerslider id='4']"); ?>

    Why not just use the regular layout builder?

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your response

    but it doesn’t work.
    The page is loading well, but the slider doesn’t run.

    Why did you suggest to use the regular layout builder ?
    The logo and slider are before the main menu, so I do not know how I can use the regular layout builder, can you tell me ?


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by carosch.


    What exactly are you trying to do? Can you take a screenshot and highlight your intentions?

    If your just trying to get a layerslider to display at the top of the page then edit the page and set the header to be transparent and drag the layerslider to the page content.

    Best regards,


    I just want to add something before the main menu.
    I must place the logo and a slider.

    So I put that in a new header.php file :

    	<div id='wrap_all'>
    <!-- ######################### inclusion en-tête page index #################### -->
    <div id="en-tete-verdun-index">
    <div id="en-tete-verdun-index-logo"><a href='' title="Mémorial de Verdun"><img src='' height="480" alt="Mémorial de Verdun" /></a></div>
    <div id="en-tete-verdun-index-slider"><?php layerslider(5) ?><!--<img src='' alt='' title='fond-slide-cmpaix'  />--></div>
    <!-- ################################################-->

    And I use this header in a page, witch is the index.

    That works fine ONLY IF I put another layerslider in the regular layout builder.
    And that’s not in the graphic project.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by carosch.

    Here are my tests:

    this one <?php layerslider(5) ?>
    crash the page loading just before <?php........
    unless I put another LayerSlider in the page by using regular avia builder

    this one <?php echo do_shortcode("[av_layerslider id='5']") ?>
    make a blank space insteed of the slider
    unless I put another LayerSlider in the page by using regular avia builder

    this one <?php echo do_shortcode("[layerslider id='5']") ?>
    dispaly’ [layerslider id=’5′]’ insteed of the shortcode

    puting the entire code of the slider works, but thats not possible to be a solution for my client who need to make his update himself.

    have you an idea why php code makes problems ?


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by carosch.


    That’s not going to work. I recommend just building the page like normal and then set the header to be transparent so the logo looks like it’s overlaying the slider.

    This is bordering on custom work so it would be best to hire a freelancer to help you out with these advanced customizations.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Elliott.
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