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  • #338017

    Hello, I need a slider with a static background (the same image but with 3 different texts passing by)
    I have tried with 3 sliders with the same image and with a different text on every one, but how can i make the image remain the same with no effect, only the text?


    Hi ftt123!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please create a single slide on the advance layout builder then play around with the Transition and Delay options of the layers.



    Thanks, but how do i get to loop the text to infinite


    I have seen this message in my LayerSlider WP: “Status This site is not yet authorized to receive plugin updates.” ¿?



    The LayerSlider included with the theme will be updated when the theme updates, you’ll need to purchase LayerSlider as a standalone plugin if you want to update it at will.

    Best regards,


    ok thanks!


    You are welcome, let us know if you have any additional questions or issues.

    Best regards,

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