Hi Super Developers, just a simple question is there any plans or any way the theme will upgrade to LayerSlider 5.2.0 or is there a way that we can manually do this. I love Enfold, but it still has LayerSlider 5.1.1 installed unless i missed something can you tell me how to upgrade this from what i can see it will resolve some issues that I have with my LayerSlides :) Thanks so much for you kind reply..
Hey BlackbyRequest!
Thank you for using Enfold.
You can install the layer slider as a stand alone plugin. First, you need to disable the default layer slider with this on functions.php:
add_theme_support( 'deactivate_layerslider' );
Best regards,
Thanks.. will try this.
FYI version 2.9.2 has been released today, this patch includes LayerSlider 5.2.0.
Best regards,