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  • #1327743

    I have 2 slides in my layer slider. Each slide has multiple layers.
    In the styles tab of the layer settings, I have applied a drop shadow effect using custom CSS.
    It looks great and works well.
    However, the CSS shadow effect is only applied on the first loop.
    On the second loop, the CSS shadow effect is gone.

    (issue evident on Edge, Chrome (mobile and desktop))


    Hey XDGS,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The screenshot and screencast above are no longer available — looks like the monosnap site is temporarily unavailable. Please provide a screenshot of the custom settings or styles using imgur or dropbox. You might have to re-apply the custom style in the other slider.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your patience and the link to your site, I don’t know why this is but I came up with a work around, I added the class drop-shadow-filter to only the first slide items:
    then I added this css to your WordPress ▸ Customize ▸ Additional CSS {
    	filter: drop-shadow(5px 5px 15px #666666) !important;

    and this seems to be working on multiple passes for the first slide, please clear your browser cache and check and add this class to your other slides if you wish.

    Best regards,


    Fantastic! This works perfectly.
    Thank you.

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