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  • #23835

    I’m trying to match your text effect that you have on the layer slider on your demo.

    Slide number 2 on the home page (blurred family photo in background). The text boxed have background black but around 30% transparency and the text is 100% transparent.

    Could you let me know how to do this?


    To be honest I would like to match the text boxes of the second slider. Do you have the slider code I could import? Can you import it without images?


    I have worked some out but now need to know what font you used. My font in the preview does not match what I see in my live website?



    Font use is

    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, tr.pricing-row td, #top .portfolio-title, .callout .content-area, .avia-big-box .avia-innerbox {
    font-family: Open Sans, 'HelveticaNeue', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

    PNG text images is preffered when using the LayerSlider WP.




    So do I need to just copy the above into the custom styles on the text style tab?


    The preview window text on the LayerSlider WP never looks the same as the live website page?


    I sorted it. Thanks for your help.

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