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  • #358463


    I am trying to achieve a layer slider at the bottom of my homepage:
    which shows the last updated posts. It works but I would like the layer full width, as the full slider that comes with enfold, is there a way to do it, included a custom way?
    in the same sort of problem, my featured images shown by the posts, don’t scale as I want, I would like it to cover all the slider width, without taking care of the image size, is there a way to do that? When I tell the slide to show the content of the posts, it put antomaticaly a short code ( [post-url]) maybe ther is some which allow to control the scale of the featured image?

    Best reguards


    Hey Maucerichris!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    1.) Set the slider width on Slide Settings > Slider dimensions > Slider width to 100%.

    2.) I think adjusting the slider with to 100% will also take care of this issue.

    Best regards,



    I’have set it to 100 % and full width, and the layer seems to have the right dimensions, but it seems to be in a container that crop it.
    How can I remove the margin of that container?

    Best reguards.




    Well, I modify the layerslider that come with enfold, which is in full width, and it works, I don’t understand why as I’ve the same setting in mine, but anyway….
    Now I have another question, take a look in that image

    and its version in my website, at the bottom in my homepage on the top of the slider:
    I don’t understand why I have the small margin between the Full screen big slider, and the mini one in the bottom,
    I set everything without margin. I tried too without the color section but there is alway a margin….
    Any idea?

    Best reguards

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Maucerichris.


    do you mean this full width white line here?:

    because otherwise I can’t see any issue.
    The white line seems part of the image, because on your next image there is not such a line and its shown on the slider effects:

    Best regards,



    ok, , I’d fix it meanwhile you answer.

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