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  • #629973


    I’d like to add a layer slider in each blog page., and in the main blog page too.
    Can you help me ?

    I will perhaps use enfold for another web site, do I need to pay it again ?


    Hi Aude,

    You should be able to do that using the builder which comes with the theme, simply drag and drop the elements you would like to have on each page.

    One license is only valid for one domain, so yes, you would need to buy a second license.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Canelle.


    We don’t mind if you use the theme to demo to a client, just as long as you buy a license once the site is live.

    I’m not sure I understand what you mean by right left navigation, do you mean on posts?

    Not sure I understand exactly what you mean by your third point either, but I’m guessing you are using the builder for posts? If so please have in mind when using the builder for posts they will act like pages instead and you will have to add all elements you want on the page manually or switch to the default editor before saving.

    We don’t handle any accounts unless you are referring to an account on this forum, you will have to contact Themeforest support for any matters with your accounts with them.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Canelle.


    When you use the builder for posts then they will act like pages instead and you will have to add all elements manually. unless you switch to the default builder once you are ready to save, please try to do so if you want the “regular” items both when using the builder and default editor.



    Is there a way to add some items in those pages (with the avia system) : main title, number of comment, date, article category ?
    Is there a way to add the left and right navigation that disappears when you had a layer slider or if it’s a bug of the template ?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by Canelle.


    not really, but there are some workarounds, check out this:

    Best regards,

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