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  • #1163701

    I am receiving a plug in update warning .
    the hosting company requested that I update all plugins.
    It is clear now that the warning comes from layer slider .
    do you have a solution?
    Thank You


    Hey sag,

    Enfold comes with a bundled version of the layerslider. If you must update at this moment you will need to purchase the premium plugin directly from the plugin devs.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thank you



    Thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Wait! You bundle a copy of a plugin in this theme, and then don’t put out updates when that plugin updates? So the updates that are for Gutenberg compatibility are not available without additional cost? Are you also taking on the liability that an update to LayerSlider contains a security patch that won’t get implemented? We had sites impacted by the Revolution Slider fiasco in just this way.


    Sorry for the late reply, the bundled layerslider is updated with the Enfold updates, I do recall one time a special security patch was released by layerslider to us and we pushed a special theme update to accommodate.
    But the bundled layerslider can not be updated the same way as the stand-alone version, unfortunately this can not change. You can read more about the layerslider here.

    Best regards,

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