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  • #279518

    Hi Team Kriesi,
    I am having a confusing and troubling issue. When I view the website I have built using Enfold, on large screens like a 27″ for example, the layer slider seems to swallow the images and screw up the look. Words start to disappear and the image seems to grow but not outer box so the bottom portion disappears. For example go to my website listed below, you will find the first slider image looks fine on normal screens but when you stretch the browser size notice how the image starts to get swallowed on the bottom. Yo u can also see this on our “Brands” page. How do I prevent this form happening and keep the look the same across browsers?


    Hey Vicken!

    Thank you for visiting the support forum!

    I tried to resize the browser but I don’t see the issue that you describe on the layer slider. It looks the same. If possible, please provide a screenshot of the issue.

    Best regards,


    Having the same issue, which seems to appear on larger screens above 22″ (2560×1440 and 1920×1200 resolutions). I’m including the web address and a screenshot below. I have the slider width at 100% and the height at 500px. How do we fix this? Looking forward to your response. Thanks!



    Did you set the image as a slide background? The layer slider plugin automatically offset the background, you’ll see a negative margin added on the background container, and then automatically adjust the height of the container where the background resides to maintain the aspect ratio and responsiveness of the background image. This offset and height change don’t work well with any type of background specially when you have text embedded on it. Try to remove the background then set the image as layer. Set the height and width to 100%. Or separate the text from the background image.



    Yes, it was set as the background image. I now have it as a layer, which is a good solution.

    I’m not sure about setting the height to 100% though, because it only accepts pixel values. I simply kept the width at 100% and the height at 500px. BUT I had to adjust the width of the image to 2560px, otherwise people who happen to be viewing the website on a 2560×1440 screen (which I hope is not a lot) will see the white blank space that a smaller image wouldn’t fill up.

    Thanks for the response! :-)



    Glad we could help, please let us know if you should need any more help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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