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  • #1320053

    Hello, I have a WordPress multisite working and one of my clients decided not to continue using layer Slider, so he deleted the layer Slider leaving only the slides; so the layer slider was deleted for all the multisite and does not work anymore for any of my clients,
    I am concerned about two things, the first: if the template is multisite, how the actions of one of the sites can affect all the sites of the node?
    and the other is How I can recover the functionality of the layer slider for all the sites in my node where enfold is used as a template?

    i’ll appreciate your help


    Hey broom21,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Since multisite installations depend on the same theme, all sites on that multisite will not have access to layer slider or they will not be able to create a layer slider when the plugin files are removed. The safest option is to disable the layer slider, but keep the plugin files intact in the theme folder.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the answer, but the damage has already been done, the question is how do I solve the problem? I tried to restore the Layer Slider directory, but it seems that there is something else that is preventing the plugin from working again, that’s where I need help to know what I should change in the code, to get all sites working with layer slider again, and of course, what I have to change in the code so that the option to delete the layer slider is not available for all customers.

    Any ideas?



    Thank you for the update.

    You have to revert the Enfold > Layout Builder > Integrated (Bundled) LayerSlider Plugin settings to the first option, then restore the config-layerslider folder. You should have access to the layer slider and the previous slides (if they are still available or if you did not select the 4th option) again after that.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael!! it works fine, all the sites are working properly!!

    just one more question, how I can prevent it happens again? that some dizzy client delete that feature for every one else?

    Thanks in advance and again Thank you very much



    No problem. Glad to know that it is working. We could remove the layer slider settings (ntegrated (Bundled) LayerSlider Plugin) from the theme options, but we have to modify the enfold/config-layerslider/config.php file directly, and remove this code around line 74.

    add_filter( 'avf_option_page_data_init', array( $this, 'handler_option_page_data_init' ), 10, 1 );

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,

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