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  • #372863

    I use the enfold theme. Great tool, thanks.

    Following questions:

    I want to use the a layer slider as a background image on each page, for instance [layerslider id=”2″].
    How can I embed the layer slider as background slider,
    What is the code for the css in the main content?


    Hi Webmasterteam!

    Your wanting to use the LayerSlider as a background image? I don’t think that would be possible.

    If your just wanting to have some content display on top of the LayerSlider then you can create a new layer for your slides and add some HTML inside.



    yes, I want to have the same background silder (image change with layer elements) on the each page.




    Send us a link and take a screenshot highlighting what your trying to do so we can get a better idea.



    thanks for your response.
    but I don’t know exactly, what I have to do.

    I want to test two variants:
    I have a transparent and sticky header. Behind, in the page background should be a slider. Currently, I have selected a background image in the main content, for each page. The image is small, its only in the upper quarter of the page and behind the header and quite top of the site. When I scroll the page, the background image disappears up. With a usually background image, its works well.

    But how can I this realize with a slider instead a image?

    Second Variant:
    The above described slider but only on the frontpage.
    For all other page a normal background image, how described above.




    You mean like this?

    You would just need to add the fullscreen slider element to your content.

    If that’s not what your trying to do then send us a link and take a screenshot highlighting what your wanting to do so we can get a better idea.

    Best regards,


    ok, this my page:

    The green image in background should be a slider.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Webmasterteam.


    So it looks like your trying to do this instead,

    All you need to do is set your header to transparent when editing your page and the content will display beneath your header like how your wanting.

    When you edit your page look to the right hand side of your screen and you’ll see some layout options which you can use to change the header to transparent.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Elliott.

    ok, thanks

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