I contacted the author of layer slider to see if you can have a full screen version of the slider see below:
artistic24459 2 days ago
Can you have full screen with your slider like this?
kreatura AUTHOR 2 days ago
There is no dedicated option in the plugin for a feature like this because it depends on your theme, but you can configure the slider this way easily, it’s just matter of the settings you use.
artistic24459 4 hours ago
What would the settings be? I have your slider in my theme and want to try it out? I cant seem to see how to do it sorry…
kreatura AUTHOR 52 minutes ago
Specifying 100% height and width for the slider results the effect you want to achieve. However, percents are relative values, and you may need to modify the layout of your parent elements. (Basically, you need to put the slider in your document root or apply 100% height on its parent elements. Because percents are relative values, the preview feature on the admin interface may won’t display correctly, but you can always specify a static height temporally.
I was wondering if you would support this? At the moment you cant have 100% in height is it just does not show any slider at all in the theme.
I’m sorry but you need to hire a freelance developer to modify the plugin for you.
Ok, no problem just wondered if it might be an update so this feature in the plugin would work within the enfold theme.
The issue is that it needs to be in a container that allows for the container to actually be full screen.
So you could try it on a ‘blank page template’ but it would still probably need a bit of individual customization as Ismael mentioned.
Thanks for the update. :-)