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  • #205808

    everything is fine with my full width landing page style slider except for two things :

    1. When I load it on a mobile device and then rotate the device horizontally or vertically, the rest of the page stays responsive while the slider does not.

    2. There’s that tiny vertical white line on the right side of the slider. Currently that image is just a layer, but I also tried it as the background and the same issue arose.

    Many thanks in advance



    Hey deyowulf!

    1) As far as I know this is a limitation of LayerSlider. It needs to change slides or refresh in order to re-adjust for a phone rotation.

    2) Try adding the following CSS to your Quick CSS (located under the Styling Tab in the theme options) or the custom.css file in the css folder of your theme files:

    #top.avia-blank {
    width: 101% !important;

    Best regards,


    Thanks Devin,

    CSS worked thanks :)

    Do you know of any other sliders with layers that can stay responsive upon screen shift? Am I correct in saying that the sliders included with the theme don’t have the layering function required to make a slider with two different links like mine?

    BTW Theme is great and clearly support is too, I’m quite happy with my purchase!





    You can try the RoyalSlider plugin. Hire a freelance developer to make it fully compatible with the theme. Visit



    Thanks Ismael,

    So then what you’re saying is that from the get go it’s not fully compatible with the theme and that to use it I would need to hire a developer?

    Also, I’ve just realized that I have the same issue with the thin white line at the top of the page as well. I tried putting in this css into the quickcss but it didn’t work.

    #top.avia-blank {
    height: 101% !important;

    Many Thanks for the awesome support guys.




    Yes, it is not full compatible with the theme and you might need a freelance developer to fix a few layout issues.

    Please add this on your custom.css or Quick CSS:

    #main {
    margin-top: -1px;

    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael.

    I’m not interested in hiring anyone at the moment, are there any other sliders you know of that are fully compatible that might work?



    Only LayerSlider is officially supported, however you can try alternatives like Revolution Slider, but as Ismael said there may be some issues.



    Thanks Josue,

    Tried Rev Slider and it only worked flipping the screen one way – from horizontal to vertical. Vice versa cut the image in half :(



    Can you please give us a link to the actual page with the slider? We need to inspect it. This is why we recommend to hire a freelance developer to fix the issues with the slider.


    #206189 – I’m currently trying to figure out a way to set up a redirect for mobile devices as the landing page i’ve designed doesn’t work well with iphone sized screens anyways.

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