Tagged: Layer Slider
Hey guys,
so I thought to use the Layer Slider to make things a little cooler and it seems to have opened up a few problems.
Not sure if it’s related to settings or what.
But this is what I am running into:
– Slider does now show navigation PREV/NEXT
– Slider does not render on the Ipad
– the icons you’re seeing on my desktop version at the bottom ‘research, design, etc’ does NOT show up on any mobile devices Not on the tablet (ipad) and not on my iphone.
Any thoughts here?
Thank you,
Hi Justin,
Please send us a temporary admin login so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.
Hey Rikard, will do.
So I think most of what I may have been experiencing with the slider notr rendering and icons not rendering was a caching issue?
HOWEVER, the NEXT/PREV buttons still don’t work for the SLIDER
I’m not sure why that is, could you try using the Layer Slider element instead of shortcode in a Code Block maybe?
Best regards,
Rikard, this did not work either. But wait until you get a load of this…
By default. NO SKIN was set. The navigation I was after could be found in the settings … V5.
See screenshot. Case closed. Thanks!